Best quality polyester fabric, Starlet is the answer
Best quality polyester fabric, Starlet is the answer Starlet
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Human Resources
      Human resources constitutes asset to the company, in that their quality must be developed from time to time. We make sure that each employee is capable of performing their task according to their capacity and qualification, well-trained, and committed to their respective authorities as well as responsibilities.

 PT. Leuwijaya Utama Textile takes the following steps in regards with the human resources :
  1. skill improvement through training programs,
  2. opportunities for self-development,
  3. the determination of employees' competence level in accordance with their specialties,
  4. evaluation carried out to identify the need for special training programs in all departments.
      We pay special attention to the company's resources as we realize that the production of high quality textile must stem from the excellent quality of employees involved, raw materials, and production facilities.
| Raw Materials | Human Resources | Production Facilities |